
Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer, and prevention and early detection are critical. More than 2,000 Georgians are expected to be diagnosed with the disease this year, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Despite advances in cancer treatments over the last decade and the increased awareness of skin cancer, the survival rate for melanoma has not improved. However, when caught early melanoma is almost always curable.

Screening & Diagnostics

Melanoma is an aggressive type of skin cancer, but most cases can be treated when diagnosed early. Have yearly body checks by a dermatologist and examine your skin once a month.


At the Atlanta Cancer Care, treatment is all about you and our dedicated clinicians offering personalized care plans designed for your special needs and preferences. Atlanta Cancer Care’s melanoma specialists use the most innovative, cutting-edge and scientifically-supported treatment options including surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation oncology and clinical trials for both early and advanced stage cancers.